Sunday, March 07, 2010

feel an urge to stare...?

great webpage made of a friend of mine - open up a page... and wait... and watch and listen to see what is hiding in the images. Same interesting thing when pointing with your cursor over various parts and pages..

LOOK HERE...its called skinn/shine

Monday, January 11, 2010

why bother to complain about the cold?


i mean.. its -20degrees celsius outside. There is snow - its crispy under your shoes when you walk - its makes noises that remind of lost childhood days. The view I wake up to everyday makes me smile - the soft and cool white, grey and blue tones of the landscape og frosty sunbeams that make their way through compact fog. it bliss. so i put on a lot of clothes and go outside and enjoy it.

Id rather experience this than wet sloppy ground that sokes up into my shoes when i just barely put my feet on the ground. Rather this than dark gloomy windy chill autumn evenings where you cant see your hand in front of you unless a car comes screeching towards you with his lights swithed on fully cause he just recently noticed you - 2feet in front of him. Id rather have this than a whole summer that rained away.

i am a winter person when the conditions for winter are so perfect that you cant think of anything else that adds to what you are already experiencing. i love this winter this year.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

soon to be christmas

wow, 2010 coming up.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

a meeting place for business and researchers?

Have a look at the eMATCH conference to see what some international communities are doing for the Future Internet. Its an initiative to further open up the borders between businesses and research in Europe.
I will be giving a short summary of the Media Zone project and how the semantic web architecture of this system is built on Friday of this event.

What is interesting is that the meetup`s focus is the Internet - the cloud sphere, the web and the networks. It is about connecting and communicating across the wires of the globe on topics such as pharmacy, tourism, oil and gas and library technologies.
(I have to add that the internet is not the same as the web) (another parenthesis to say, that i also have non-technical readers, I do not try to underestimate those who are interested in techspecs) :)

At least I am excited!! Will try to give a summary on some of the most interesting pointers during this session, which takes place 10th-14th of September in Oslo and Finse in Norway.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

For å si det pent..

..så kunne jeg faen meg ikke sagt det bedre! Dette er innertier for hvordan man bør være obs på journalistikkens mange "stråmenn" og metodikker for å kunne rundsnakke folket.

Dessverre innser jeg til stadig at kvaliteten på verkene til dagens journalister (noe som IKKE ser ut til å gjelde for forfatter av denne artikkelen - Jon Niklas Rønningen) har stupt til et så begredelig nivå at man skulle tro alle korrekturlesere og kvalitetsikringsrutiner hadde gått dunken i alle Norges mediebyråer. Enkelte ganger blir tekstene nærmest så folkelige at man tydeligvis har glemt journalistikkens kunster som forskjønner skriftene ved å ta ibruk disse velformulerte "hemmeligheter" artikkelens forfatter referer til. Det er et yrke, en integritet og en kunst å formulere seg riktig - at kunsten i seg selv blir så folkelig at den blir en gjenganger blant massene og attpåtil kamuflert som "normalt" i mange bransjer og samfunnsgrupper - det er jo trist, men Jon Niklas ser ut til å konstatere et faktum.

Monday, January 26, 2009

financial times of crisis for the grass roots..not just the banks.

We were today in Norway introduced to a "crisis wallet" that the government has found in their back pockets to save the state and its people in more difficult times.

It is aiming at, as in many other countries, to save certain parts of the business world from total collapse. In Norway, we havent seen the extreme consequences of a financial crisis. Yet. An arguable amount of few people have lost their jobs and people are losing their businesses and houses. Nothing less was excepted. However, when something should be saved in times like these - isnt is wrong that schools and old peoples homes become the losers again? What about private owners of smaller firms? Are not these companies the evidence of a thriving economy - those we should try to save as well? Resourcful people who are making it by working hard to build and create capita. These people will help rebuild the country in hard times - they should not be punished for not working for a large, stable government supported company.

If every person depending on their own companys income lost what they have, and there are thousands of such companys in the country, then MANY people will suffer. They too, pay large amounts of taxes to the government and feed the mill of democracy just, but most importantly they lift the weight of responsibility off society because they take the burden of making things happen, themselves. Still, it has not been made easy to start a business and keeping it going strong.

Grass root power. What kind of power is it? If only the large solid companies and building contractors are the ones to be saved, who will actually be the target for a direct hit of the financial crisis?

I am asking for a strategy for those who struggle to contribute to society, inspiring to create new wealth and ways to further prosperity, but at a grass root level - those who fill in the blanks and create variety desperately needed for a society to thrive. What will these people do if no tax relief is given to them? Is it so that in poor times the government should support larger companies and those who can maintain jobs for people at the moment or should there also be focus on those who take the responsibility in their own hands and seek to create new jobs in the future? Will it help to continue to ignore the encouragement of a small business? If it means they too will need to depend on the large company that have the government support after the crisis? Will it gain the society?

Grass rot power. Where is it taken into consideration in a large economy?