Monday, August 21, 2006

whats new?!

I am going home to mom and dad to rest. =) I love those words. 0ost students have had a looong nice non-relaxing summer job. Supposedly, if you´ve had a long and nice relaxing holiday it will be two hard first weeks back in school or at work. I can go along with that theory too, but I still long for an extra long student-summer-job-free holiday! :0)


Dominik said...

my take on that is this:
Either you have the money, and no time; or you have all the time but no money. Have a career, get rich, get exhausted and promoted, have kids, never get to know them, wake up when your fifty: your kids go to college, your life is your job. Meet my parents! :-) There must be some other solution... stilly trying to find it.
Good luck for your master's thesis, I'd love to have such a coherent programme. But as usual, with freedom comes responsibility so I can choose whatever I want, but no one tells me it should be consistent with what I've done. Looking forward to discussing media with you! all the best, and a nice rest.

Pia said...

hey!! Long time, no writings, but thanks for the fish this time! Discussions about my masters are hereby granted and a sealed deal!

Anonymous said...

Hi darling! Have had a nice long and relaxing vacation this summer and higly recomend it! Iam, at last, restless and anxius to start my internship. I am giong to spend my autumn in Stockholm, you are more than welcome to visit! All the best -miss ya...

Pia said...

miss you too babe! Should try to come to stockholm, I have promised myself to go travelling some more this term!

lots of love


Dominik said...

...and greetings to johanna from Berlin as well! love stockholm, I've just been to a museum here where they showed a model of the "Vasa" and I could say "I've seen the other museum that is BUilt AROUND the whole ship in Stockholm!!! :-)