Wednesday, December 31, 2008

wishes for the new year


I will have to improve on my poor blogging skills for the coming year and I hope I can get this up and running again within a few weeks =)

oh yes.. and stop drinking so much coffee..
oh.. and remember other peoples birthdays.. =)

and not the least bit sentence about being better at worknig out more often and eating more healthy =)

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

quicksilver for Mac.

So, a simple program was developed for Mac to search and navigate and open programs and files, called Quicksilver. Around a year ago a test was performed on this freeware, only brought to my attention recently. It began with the sentence: "seldom have I ever been so impressed with a freeware before..." As I started using Quicksilver I started wondering how on earth i ever got by without it! its genious. And so the article finished off with comments from various users and the mandatory "the same can be done just a simple on Windows..". "Oh well, so how can it be done?" I thought to myself, correcting myself with a "don´t be so prejudice about Windows" and looked at the instruction only to be surprised by... - what I already knew. Six steps towards opening Firefox "simply" using only a selected abbreviation in "Run". Problem is, you have to configure the abbreviation first. That´s not simple. I will however, not let this influence my next account with Windows. Hopefully it wont possibly pretend to be as simple as something else, when it involves finding paths, making files and storing something before you make use of it. I like spending most of my time on my work, not making shortcuts or finding paths. That is why I stick to my Mac. But I am sure it can be done on a Windows machine too..

link to article here.. click at the bottom for the link about windows..

Thursday, July 03, 2008

Sunday, June 01, 2008


Finally, I have a master degree.
I am thrilled - but shouldn´t there be rockets and firecrackers and stuff going off in my head? There just isn´t. Life just kept moving forward. Just like before.

The sweat, tears, pain and agony from the stress that I have gone through these last six months has taken its toll on me and made me realise a thing or two about myself. I will take these insight of wisdom with me, as I realised (a good couple of months before I handed the paper in) that there is more to life than writing a master thesis. Good thing I realised that early on and did not get "the scare" where many get to the point of never handing the thesis in in fear of getting the final grade. I, personally, don't think of the grade as the work I have done. Rather, I have been reading and writing and analysing and thinking about one - 1 - thing for a year or two and THAT is what is the real experience of going through with this process, NOT getting the grade necessarily. Understanding your limits, your ways of working, how you withstand pressure, working on complex issues for long periods of time and getting a good long look at your field of specialty. Because thats what it is. My field of specialty. Then my insights and understanding of the field becomes primary to my resume. Unfortunately, this does not automatically show in a piece of paper. I left the task of writing to those who want to be authors, I am a thinker. I think about things and put them together in different contexts. Perhaps having a great writing ability helps though. And writing an excellent thesis will help to show that there is proof in writing that your insights are there.

Frustrating, but life moves on. A good grade is great, but a bad one could imply so much more than the first alternative many people like to cling to; the reflection of an average or lazy student.. No, perhaps a it is just a reflection of a person who see other values in life.

Oh well, I still haven't got a grade yet, but it does not bother me either. I am realistic, I'll have a life afterwards too. Just like now. Everything moves on, even if it stands to be an A or not.

Friday, May 09, 2008

local warming

You HAVE TO see this video - why has noone been concerned with this perspective before?!

Jess, this is an issue definitly worth considering before buying a lap top. I had a good looong laugh in front of my stationary computer at uni!! =) Good thing i'll be finishing up very soon so that I dont have to be at risk of radiation 14hours a day for trying to write the closing arguments for my master thesis!

(sorry for the inconvenience, I forgot my password on youtube, so i have to link to the video..)

henvising til Hell

Fant denne diskusjonen på VG der omdøping av ulike turistmål førte med seg et fantastisk forslag. Jeg har hørt at man holder rockekonserter i Hell, nettopp pga navnet, så hvorfor ikke omdøpe flyplassen?!

Go to Hell!-

"Diss is the kæpten spiking. Welcåmm aboard to diss flight to Hell!"

Departures til Hell på andre flyplasser reserveres selvfølgelig alltid
til Gate 666, så slipper reisende å spørre teite spørsmål som: "E
xuse me,
where is the gate to Hell?"

Flyplassens eget flyselskap må selvsagt hete "Highway to Hell" med
mottoet "To Hell with everybody!"

Utnytt markedsverdien i å annonsere med "Ticket to Hell and back, only $666".

For å ikke snakke om t-skjorte salget på flyplassen med diverse ymse
slagord som "I've been frozen in Hell..."

"You are now arriving Hell" Kjempeide for turismen

Jernbanen på Hell har for lengst tatt i bruk "Hell"-navnet for alt det er
verdt. Turister kommer i hopetall fra hele kloden for å bli avbildet på
perrongen med skiltet
"Hell, Gods-expedition" i bakgrunnen.

Friday, April 25, 2008


hun er en båt
uten anker
hun har hodet
fullt av tanker
og et hjerte som banker
for ting som hun tror på

(lest av en do vegg en gang)

Thursday, March 06, 2008

Hand(y) phone

Can you imagine not having to search for your cell phone when its making a hell of a noise with your newly acquired ringing tone in your purse or pocket? Instead you can press your arm and just talk. Check out the article here: (in norwegian)

In short, we might be a lot closer to a wireless future than we ever could imagine for 2008. A designer has now developed a phone, that is operated in underneath your skin. It will be with you for as long as you live and not visible when its not in use. When in use, it looks like a tattoo and power is provided by pressure from the blood streams in your veins. Bluetooth enables talking, listening and internet I assume.

S people having various technological gadgets implemented in to their bodies is suddenly not so unlikely? What if someone calls you in the middle of the night? Or the ligth malfunctions and you can't turn it off at night? That would be annoying. Or if something malfunctions and you need to place it to service three times before you can have a new one? That would require a lot of operations?

Another thing is the security issues. Can you then be tracked down when wearing it? Just how (un)fortunate can it be that personal information can leak out if your blood pressure, heart condition etc can be measured by this apparatus as well?

Anyhow, they are still testing it, so we will have to wait and see what they come up with. I can't hide the fact that I think the phone looks really cool though =)