Monday, February 13, 2006

Monday morning upbeat or beat up?

How are you!?!

I spent the weekend being hungover in my boyfriend`s sofa.. Monday morning was supposed to be a fresh start on this week where I was supposedly going to catch up on my reading.. It started off well with beautiful sunshine and the Olympics on TV along with a better breakfast and a free ride to University when I just didn`t make it to my lecture.. And then everything went wrong..

A good friend called me and asked if I wanted to go for a lunch break.. Break, from what? Well, it would be stupid to interfere in the middle of a lecture, so I skipped it. Then I was delayed for the second thing on my agenda, namely Java lab class, but when I got there, the room was empty. I guess I remembered my agenda wrong.. Now I`m sitting in the classroom writing on my blog. Got a mail from Olga about a "sits" the 22 of February. Would have loved to come and join you but its too far away and I`m broke!!

Guess I have to print out the lecture notes now so I`m more prepared for tomorrow..

My camera stopped working, so I guess it will take some more time before I will get a picture in my blog again.. Should I just by a new mobile with a camera while I`m at it?!


Anonymous said...

Heh. Og jeg har fått gjort omtrent like mye som deg siden sist, bare at jeg ikke har oppdatert bloggen min. ;P

Pia said...

hehe, thank you darling! Telling me that you too did nothing just made my day ;)