Monday, April 23, 2007

Farewell party!

So, this is good bye. This weekend we had our farewell party and already now have folks left the country to go travelling.. Except for us who are stuck with writing our final papers. There are actually quite a few of us. I had no idea a term could end this quickly. It feels strange, yet at the same time I am looking forward to leave HK behind and bypass vietnam and thailand in order to reach my final destination - home. Don't get me wrong - I LOVE being in Hong Kong, but it gives you a certain feeling of being restless, not really being in a place that you would stay put in forever. It gives you an exhilirating feeling of fantasticness as well - always giving you input and new impulses - always driving you to move on - which was a feeling I was searching for when I came here in the first place. I found it here and will bring it with me back home.

Nevertheless, it is a little sad to say goodbye to people, but also its left me with many extraordinary memories and experiences that I will never forget. The city has in a way outplayed the role of the people here, but there are a few amazing people I´ve met here that I will truly miss a lot. Having a big whooping final party evening with everyone was soo much fun and a good way of concluding these four months of rollercoaster cultural experiences!

Marcus, meg og Aoife
Sarah og Arnout
Dronning Marcus og Kong fabulous Jamie
Gaelle og Eefje
Meg og Misako

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