To all of you at home in Norway who have been enjoying horrible snowy, cold or warm sunny Easter weather at a remote cabin in the mountains of Norway - they don´t celebrate Easter in China. It is coincidental that their festival to honor the dead falls on the same weekend as the Western Easter holiday. Wednesday 4th of April was the day when all Chinese go to visit their ancestors graves - og which most of the mainlanders in HK need to go to the mainland to do so - which fell on the same day as we chose to cross over the border to show Camilla´s parents who were visiting, what China is like. Well, needless to say, they got a funny experience of what a crowd of about 250 000 Chinese looks like. They were practically running like "five year olds in an amusement park" (camillas quote) whenever they saw an opportunity to sneak further ahead in the sea of people who all wanted to cross over simultaniously - no queue culture here..
A practical thing about being a city in between two cultures like HK is that they can choose the best things from both cultures - including holidays it seems, a benefit which they apparently are taking advantage of, by adding Easter as a holiday where they can get extra days off from work, but thats about it. So, not too many things that resemble a normal Easter as most Western people might be familiar with except a few weird things imported from our culture such as waitresses wearing bunny ears and stuff. I was pretty happy when Camillas parents presented me with an Easter egg of good tradition filled with Norwegian liquorice! =)
As a result of us lacking a travelling plan during Easter and having visitors, we´ve been guides most of the time (thus we finally managed to take a photo of us with the famous HK Island as background - see the top photo). When we haven´t been guides, we´ve gone out and looked at the nightlife of HK. That lead to some fantastic photos of me and Camilla smoking cigars in a bar called Castro. Behold!
kuli på castro hehe
Ah, there is nothing like a cigar and a good drink!
Hi Castro/Clinton fans
Don´t bring your hobbies with you back to Norway.
Daddy cool
hehe, damene med siggen! Av ein eller anna grunn syns eg det å røyke sigar signaliserer makt og sjølvsikkerhet. Kule bilder!
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