Saturday, August 29, 2009

a meeting place for business and researchers?

Have a look at the eMATCH conference to see what some international communities are doing for the Future Internet. Its an initiative to further open up the borders between businesses and research in Europe.
I will be giving a short summary of the Media Zone project and how the semantic web architecture of this system is built on Friday of this event.

What is interesting is that the meetup`s focus is the Internet - the cloud sphere, the web and the networks. It is about connecting and communicating across the wires of the globe on topics such as pharmacy, tourism, oil and gas and library technologies.
(I have to add that the internet is not the same as the web) (another parenthesis to say, that i also have non-technical readers, I do not try to underestimate those who are interested in techspecs) :)

At least I am excited!! Will try to give a summary on some of the most interesting pointers during this session, which takes place 10th-14th of September in Oslo and Finse in Norway.

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