Monday, January 08, 2007

A meeting with a new culture

Hey everybody!!!
We are still not connected to the internet at our postgraduate hall 1, but we are still hoping for the best. Apparently a problem to have a Mac or Apple machine as they say, if they understand what we meant with saying Apple at all.. Hard to tell what they say back to us as well, but I think we can expect a phonecall or an email on how to solve the problem.

Camilla and I were not overly thrilled with our rooms the first day, but after getting used to the room itself and after bying a lot of stuff to try to make it more like home - the five centimeter matress on a wooden board, the unisolated room and the kitchens we dont dare to set foot in and the common shower/toilet facilities, seem sort of okay and we have now acclimatized and got accustomed to this new way of living! All shops, stores and school buildings are at the top of the hill though and its a good fifteen minute walk straight upwards to get water... No, all jokes aside, we actually are the lucky ones, we live in the best dormitory on campus (or so weve heard..) and we have found it quite comfortable to live at the bottom of the enormous hill which the university is situated on.

The first thing is that we live close to the train station so that when we come home from a shopping spree we dont have to climb up the hill in question to get home! jei! Secondly we live next to the sports center (irony, oh the irony..) and the water sports center (we live by the sea which is fantastic, but I wouldn`t know, Camilla got the view!) An its nice to live where all other people in the same building are postgraduates! Not too many of us here, so we got to stick together!

It is cold here too! At least it feels cold in the evening since it gets down to almost twelve degrees in the evening and the night and there is no such thing as heating here! Good reason for buying a nice jacket! In the day it is absolutely wonderful and we enjoy the good twenty degrees in the sun! The campus is fantastic and it is a strange feeling to walk around here surrounded by the huge mountains and forests when we are in a 7 million city!

We wanted to get into the HK/chinese way of living so we have tried all kinds of foods since we got here! Yesterday I even ate three oysters.. with pepper and lemon. okay, but not the best I have eaten unfortunalty.. We had an international dinner with ten dishes (went fast, almost like speed eating) and we ate all sorts of stuff, but noone told what is was so I cant tekll you either. Some of it looked strange I can tell you though, but good! We also got to eat vegetarian food prepared by monks in a traditional chinese tempel, and that is the best meals I have eaten so far!! Tofu, veggie stuff, rice, tea and so on.

Oh and there are so many nice people here! Most of them are, as I already mentioned, undergrads, but it doesnt really matter if they are younger that us, we have our PGH1 to withdraw to if it gets too wild for us oldies. No.. Actually everyone thinks we are younger than we are..

Got to go, finnish later,



Iselin said...

Hei! Så gøy å høre fra dere, og at dere har det bra! Gleder meg til å se masse bilder. Stor klem:)

Pia said...

ja, vi har det helt storveis, om enn som sagt litt kaldt!!

Denne uken har vi ogsaa begynt med forelesninger! Er det noen kule kurs hjemme???

Iselin said...

Vet ikke, har bare meldt meg opp til ettellerannet... har ikke så mye motivasjon for tiden, i'm all alone!!! *snufs* kos dere masse!

Pia said...

hey! Du sitter jo paa nett naa! Sakl hilse fra Milla!! Vi er med dere i sinnet maa du huske!!!

Anonymous said...

einig med deg Iselin, ikkje noko kjekt å vere aleine. Min motivasjon for året er også på bunn... ikkje bra... Vi skulle vore i Hong Kong med jentene!