Tuesday, January 09, 2007

part 2

Hey again,

I am now sitting in the eighth floor of our postgrad building writing this post today. wE are still not connected..

This morning we went to Shatin to have breakfast and ended up shopping before we went back to school at 2.30 pm. Good thing, after a week we already know the most important directions and can manage fine on the train by ourselves! The system is perfect, every two minutes there is a train and if you miss the last train home in the evening it costs 100 HKdollars (80-90kr) to get home in a taxi even though we live 20 minutes outside the HK central area! We are happy about that because it is more quiet and more nice to walk around at the campus when all you are surrounded by are huge university buildings and trees and hills! Very romantic place!

The class was okay, but with young students and a strict american teacher soon turning 40. We have three papers to hand in (each month) on ten pages AND to pages each week in addition just to let him know what we think of every part of the curriculum that we read. Did I mention we do all this for six ECTS???? We need about thirty so this is going to be tough if every course is similar..

I am tired now and have to go and lie down for a second before we continue to run around!!

All in all, we are having a super time here and are looking forward to all the new things that are to come in near future!

Tommy: Hope you had a great time in Trondheim, tell me about in in a mail! I miss you lots!
Iselin, Britt, Annette: We miss you girls, not the same without the whole gang down here!
JM: Thanks for good tips, more than welcome to come back here while we are here!
Rolf og Helene: Thank you for wanting to know what I do down here! Appreciate it so much!


Anonymous said...

Hei Pia! Gøy å lese hvordan dere har det, høres spennende ut og er misunnelig!! :) gleder meg til å høre mer om hvordan dere har det! Men høres stress ut med 3 oppgaver i uken..dere får bare stå på!

Jeg begynner i praksis på mandag, gruer meg! :)
Hils til Camilla og kos dere videre.
Stor klem Siril

Anonymous said...

oy oy...det høres ut som de har nok arbeid å ta tak i ja! Men eg har tura på dokke flickor;) Var så koselig å sjå bildene Camilla hadde lagt ut.. Har så lyst å komme å besøke dokke,men ikkje so enkelt å snike seg unna skulen, tar 40 sp dette semesteret... Opplev masse kjekt,og husk å skrive om det på bloggane! Sakna dokke sånn:( suss og kos

Anonymous said...

eg meinte at eg har TRUA på dokke;)

Pia said...

Dere er dypt savnet der også!! Hadde vært så flott å kunne dele denne opplevelsen med dere!!

Vi kan forresten ikke ta de fagene vi ville allikevel, så arbeidsmengden blir kanskje ikke så stor.. Blir mulignes huin304 og skrive oppgave herfra! Greit nok for meg!

Pia said...

hallo siril forresten!

Lykke til på mandag med praksisen!! Det blir super duper spennende - ikke mange som får den muligheten du har fått nå!! Bare observer og lær og bli verdens beste journalist!!

Mange mange klemmer til deg og!