Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Valentinesday in HK very different from home. Here in Hong Kong they LOVE Valentinesday!! One girl in my hallway apparently has two guys running after her judging by the insanely expensive and huge flower bouquets outside her door just waiting for her to come home and find them!! Everywhere I went today I walked past the endless row of loving couples leaning against eachother while walking hand in hand - the girl carrying an enormous bouquet - the guy carrying all her shopping bags.. Hahaha, what a sight. Jason, a chinese guy that lives in my dorm said that here in China they should rename this day into "girls day" because it is the day when the guys do anything for the girl that stole their heart! Which is pretty apparent - they have a very romantic view on love- love at first sight for example. I think they fall in love with peoples appearence actually and then they get to know them afterwards - so beware of telling anyone that you think they are cute or otherwise - the girls interpret it as if you were in love with the guy you spotted! The same thing goes for a lot of the films here as well, but within the romantic comedy genre that is a universal theme. I am sorry to say that I didn´t take a picture of all the couples (and ONLY couples) who were queueing to get into the restaurants in HK - an amusing sight!

Since I am not a true believer of love I took this opportunity on this bright and shiny day to share how the Chinese view the big L - word. Happy Valentinesday people! =)


Tommy said...


Her har dagen gått med til jobb og trening,men jeg kunne ikke unngå å legge merke til alle fjortisene som satt og febrilsk forsøke å komme på noe romantisk å skrive i de glossy valentinerkortene de hadde kjøpt.Morsomt å lese om den kinesiske markeringen av dagen(litt rart er det å lese at kineserne,av alle, har trykket denne amerikanske markeringen så varmt til sitt bryst,men den har vel en universell appell antar jeg..)Det er jo en glimrende anledning for åpent- så vel som hemmellig forelskede å vise sine følelser for den de har et ekstra godt øye til!Happy Valentinesday frøken!


Pia said...

takk tommyvennen! =) Godt å se du har tid til å surfe litt på nettet og ikke bare jobbe!?

Anke said...

It seems to be quite a nice place for a girl to be these days then :)

See, I'm still checking your blog and have to say I love to read about the great and little differences between HongKong and Europe.

Big hug,


Pia said...

Hey Anke!!!
How great it is to hear from you again!! Thank you for checking out my stories about the great East!Hope everything is doing great with you as well!! I stop by to check your blog too! ;)

BIG hug,